


A trip for Christ!        In Swedish/Pĺ svenska

What on earth make us to go half round the world to get in touch with people we have met on a video!
Son locos los tres hermanas! No!
Just a tremendous longing for true fire of the Holy Spirit and revival from heaven.
Did we find what we were looking for?
Well, I leave it up to you to decide. Listen!
This is my story of three wonderful weeks of joy and glory.

After some trouble with Barbara's passport (She had to get an other in half an hour) we were on our way. South America here we come, Inga and I shouted. An old dream of mine was going to be a reality.

With two heavy maletas we entered the pass control in Guayaquil. Que calor! When we left Sweden we had -6 c and in Cali +28 c. An hour later we were cooked like a hen! The hotel room wasn't that bad. We only had to chase and pulp one cockroach, a grasshopper and a rat the first day. The second day we got used to them and ignored them (except for Inga who shouted a little and ran out of the room). She's a little shakier than I am.

After a desayuno with prayer and God's transfer we got out to the poor people in Guayaquil. I couldn't stop from weeping. Lord all mighty, help them, I cried. Underfed children 3 years old looked like one -year- old babies. The doctor, who was there and had started a surgery every day in a place north of the city, told me that there was children who never had seen their parents and never had felt was love was. They got medical care and food. For some of them this was the only way to get one meal during the day because they were to weak to beg.

Their houses were built of bamboo and no floor. And when the rain comes they tread in clay.
Street children with begging hands and look of hopelessness in their eyes.
I hardly can bare the memory of it.

We went to a meeting in the evening where we gave our testimonies and I sang two songs in Spanish. Many got saved and the Holy Spirit was there with heeling and baptism.
Hundreds of children were there undressed and took us by the hand and we danced together. What a joy for an old music teacher like me. Glory to God! You may use your body and soul to glorify Him! In Sweden they are more restrictive to allow that.

I think I order to live near to the Latinos in heaven!
I got a wonderful call from my daughter. She managed to take her driving license and she thanked me for the angels I sent to her in the right time.
Glory to God! She begins to think in a spiritual way!

We took a plane up to Quito for a campaign there together with a precious Swedish pastor, Owe Lindeskaer.
My God, I thought what church is this. I almost feel like home.
Everything is polish and every prayer is like reading from a book. The praise so beautiful with wonderful musicians.
But with a lack of the Holy Spirit. The praying team, Anette, Ingrid, Birgit, Margareta, Inga and Barbara started and me started our work.
We began to pray and after a while we felt the longing for the Holy Spirit.
When the invitation came people run for intercession.
Young people got baptized in the Holy Spirit and people got healed.

We had women seminaries where we could speak women to women. That was absolutely the best thing of all. We prayed for each other and there were many happy smiles after three days.
The meetings in the evenings were ok, God never fail, but there was something missing. The fire of the Holy Spirit wasn't there.
I cried out to God, don't walk on by because they are not aware of what they are missing.

The final meeting The Spirit was there. But He made something first that was necessary for the future. The pastor was the first one to start to pray of forgiveness to the congregation and to God. Other members in the church followed the example and soon nearly all of them wept and cried out for mercy from heaven, those who didn't went out. The love of God flooded and many started to praise in new tongues, a precious memory.

We heard from the man in the family that God was continuing working with the members and the pastor had a sharp preaching message next meeting. It was like this: He took two glasses in his hands and showed them both. One was clean and one was dirty. The clean one was the Christian who had Jesus inside washed in his blood. You could see right through him. The dirty glass was filled with car keys and house keys credit cards of any kind. Then he took a bottle of fresh clean water and poured it in the glasses. The same water was clean in one and the fresh water became dirty in the dirty glass. Everyone in the church fell down on their knees and asked God of forgiveness and salvation and one woman said: When the Swedes were here the youth was touched by the Holy Spirit and began to talk in new tongues; Why not we? She fell down broken hearted and cried out loud: God have mercy on us and then she started to pray in new tongues.

Praise to God, when we leave, the Lord doesn't. His patience is tremendous.

We had a tour down south, 4 hours by bus to Rio Bamba. Meetings and seminaries for women 2 days before went north to Ibarra. First we had a stop in Quito where we lost 3 persons in the group and they had our luggage, we were involved in a car crash before we left Quito without the three and our luggage. We came to Ibarra to a wonderful Brazilian pastor who really took care of us. We had a meeting in the evening and the day after, the other 3 came. We went up to Ipiales and had a tremendous weekend and the Lord made great things.

Then back to Quito on Sunday and Wednesday 6 persons left for Sweden and we, Barbara, Inga and me began our dream trip to Colombia.

When we had seen the video from Cali we started to pray. We felt that God wanted something extra. I began to feel something in my stomach and it spread throughout my body .We said to the Lord: Please show us your will.
Many friends had tried to reach Pastor Randy for several months but no answer. I prayed that if the feeling was true, let me get contact with Pastor Randy in Cali. I wrote on Sunday and got the answer on Monday.

I jumped around in my house and praised God. Then pastor Randy gave me more information about Cali and the church. A prophetic conferrence was to be held and I wished I were there. I read all about it and suddenly my eyes fell on the name Bogotá and I couldn't get it out of my mind.
Lord, do you wants us to go and I felt that the answer was: Yes.
Then we ordered the travel agency to make the reservations both to Bogotá and Cali and then it showed that the only way from Quito to Cali for us foreigner was through Bogotá.

A Swedish organization " The Star of Hope" had schools and other engagement in the city and we let them arrange for us and everything was swell. We came to a huge meeting at The Coliseum in Bogotá where Cesar Castelliano was pastor. We were happy because we wanted to come to Cali when they had their " All nite praise " but we weren't in the right time for that. Then we got on this event and it was just great.
Waving and praising and worshipping God.

Then the flight to Cali. It was cold in Bogotá but when we got out off the aircraft the heat was ON! For the first time I was a little bit shaky because I didn't know if pastor Randy had sent some person to meet us at the airport.
I had had some difficulties in e-mailing pastor Randy from Ecuador but now I knew why I left my husband in Sweden? My husband always uses to fix things and so he did.
I saw my name written on a sign in Cali. I took my camera to get a picture of it. I will never have my name on a sign in Cali again, I think.
A wonderful couple Julian and Janine and a little brother Jinaro (or how do I spell it?) met us at the airport.

One of the first questions Inga asked was "-Do we feel safe here in Cali? We have heard such bad things from the city and my husband is afraid"?
With a total calm and convincing voice Julian said:-I think you have to do exactly the same thing as we do: Trust and obey!
We came to a wonderful hotel, everything was shining clean and the workers were service minded and nice to us. We felt like home. Mario together with his lovely wife Madeleine came and we recognized him from the video. We thought that we knew him months ago.
While we still were nipping ourselves in our arms we got a message from pastor Randy that he wanted to see us in his home.

Through the shower to new clothes during the time we prayed.
At last I would speak to the man I had only been writing.
Inga said: " Now I shall see this man of God that had meant so much to so many people. I shall ask for his blessings. Barbara was even more exalted. It was her dreams that took us to Cali.

We came to the house and the terrace, where wonderful parrots in different colors were waiting for us. First we met a sweet blonde-colored boy, John Michael who tried to get a parrot out from the cage (to Inga's consternation). Then a wonderful woman came, Marcy, gentle with a soft voice. It was love at first sight. Then Randy came and Inga thought that he would give her a prophetic word at this very moment and than he started to play with the birds and than she understood that pastor Randy is a man after all.

We had a great time at the terrace with snacks and ice cream and lovely friends. Even though we couldn't communicate, as we wanted to, we learned by the eyes and body language (read Mario) to love them all.
Marcy told us that her father had built this house to God's honor and that they got it. Pastor Randy showed us this lovely place and we were impressed of its beauty.
A man called David Sanders came by, a wonderful meeting, and I felt that I got the confirmation I needed to continuing my theater plans for the churches in Sweden. I have to have this video " The promise".

Pastor Randy proudly presented his new office that a man had built for him. I was touched by the love from this man to his pastor and I think he will get great blessings from God for that.
A wonderful evening came to an end and we gave thanks to God for letting us know these people.

The next day Julian and Janine came and took us to the church "Communidad de Fe" People with belief in that God can do miracles. They have bought nearly the whole quarter and I could feel the great visions for it all.
People were painting and cleaning there, both young and old. Children together with their parents. It made me warm.
In the evening they took us to a meeting in a Pentecostal church.
We were met by this song "A Dios sea la gloria" and it's one of our favorites.
During our trip Julian told us his testimony. Oh, I was stirred in my spirit.
We were really surprised what God had done within four years. So mature in his christian life and full of confidence. A thought came that it must be of the teaching he gets from his pastor.

The next day we were invited to Julian and Janine. A great place with swimming pool and the opportunity to get our tan that everybody expect us to have. A wonderful views over Cali and the most exciting of it all, Janine's testimony. Mario and his wife joined us and we had lunch together, weeping and laughing all the way round.

Especially when they told me about their daughter's way to God, I felt confidence. He will help me with mine too. Madeleine continuing her testimony and I said; Glory to the Lord. He is the greatest!

I was so blessed I could hardly speak to Inga and Barbara when we got back at the hotel.

From the very first time I felt like we were three princesses on a journey but the two of us were princess from birth and I felt like Cinderella. They have never been out in sin and I had really felt the dirt, but now I felt that the blood had brought us together and we were equal. A great experience.
Wonderful testimonies from the guerilla pastor and the street boy who became the video master in order to serve the universities. Only God can make these changes, and economical miracles for those who trust in the Lord.

Now was the great day when we should join the meeting in the church that we had come for.
The worshipping had already started and we just had to join. Glorifying and honoring and jumping and dancing all mixed up by happy people.

Pastor Marcy gave prophetical words that shivered us. She said that now was the time to decide where to stand. Because you can't stand with one foot in the world and one foot in the church. Such a strong ministry, we said to each other that may God always keep his hand over this serving woman and that he never let her down.

We were promised that they were going to bless us before we got back to Sweden and we really got blessed. "The alabanza" kept going for two hours and then they prayed for us and we got prophetic words from the Lord. The oration continued for two more hours. I didn't know it could last that long and a memory that never will stop in my head is the wonderful little women with the great dance; She was like Miriam in the temple.

We forgive Randy for not preaching this day because God planned something else.
A wonderful meeting with sisters and brothers in the Lord, soon we shall be together in heaven and then we will be dancing and singing together forever. After a very nice time with food and talking at Mario's place, Mario gave us the opportunity to know Andres, or Andy.

Now Inga could mail to her beloved husband and tell him that they weren't that bad after all those Colombians. She had met a guerilla man, and a street boy and the drug mafia, but God had changed them everyone. He had nothing to fear God makes miracles today!
Andy had a great testimony and we understand that he is valuable as a witness.

I thank all of you for the experience you gave us to take with us to Sweden.
It feels like we've been to the Promised Land Canaan, the land of milk and honey. But we know that God is the same everywhere and I hope that one day you will be here with us and join us in our worshipping. We know that God will give us the same as you've got.

First of all thanks to Randy and Marcy without you we haven't been able to go to Cali. Thanks to Julian and Janine for service with car and food and for sharing your testimonies with us.
To Mario and Madeleine, thanks for the nap in your sofa and lovely friendship and your nature behavior.

For prayers, past and coming I thank You. May God be with you!


Margot Ogren.

I know the other join me in this.

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Webbplatsen uppdaterades mĺndag 29 augusti 2016